This class I have felt as actually made me write more in my own voice. Normally, i would normally write just for the teacher. Kind of like i was telling people what they wanted to hear through my writing. It can just very well be because of the fact that everything we wrote about dealt with some sort of argument. Just having to build up your opinion then defend and support it. But cannot not leave out the option that it was probably because of the instructor. (ha)
As i had mentioned previously, i have felt that more of my own voice has come out in my writing. Rather then me saying what the teacher wants or other people want, it is almost as if people were to read it that it sounds just like if i were to be talking to them. Just from noticing this as well i have felt anytime that i do write a paper now or just have any sort of writing assignment that it is a lot easier for me to complete. Instead of trying to type what the teacher wants to hear i just go with it.
I actually had a few favorite assignments when it came to this class surprisingly. But the first few assignments that i liked were the commerial ads. It was very easy and fun to do. I mean we got to watch these ads of cows, Peyton Manning, or whoever else and then analyze which i enjoyed, not sure about the rest of the class. Also enjoyed at the beginning how you kind of got us warmed up to what the semester was going to be like with the articles. For a quick example the naked guy! or the crazy greeley family with the balloon boy. Just liked how things stayed interesting.
So to sum it all up for you Bailey, actually was pretty impressed. Always remember you complaining about those kids last year. Then me and Kessler would always make fun of you saying things like oh it probably Bailey he probably just blows at teaching. But nope actually pretty good kept things interesting and fun. Not many teachers do that!
Monday, December 14, 2009
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
3 groups
1. City of Sterling- it effects them because as a student body (mainly the baseball team) we like to rag pretty harshly on the other teams that come to play in the event center. The people need to realize that this is not high school anymore and that this is not the only place that this happens. A lot of the people here I would bet one million dollars don't travel to watch our sporting events play. So they don't get to see or hear how bad our teams get treated when they are on the road. What we do is all in good fun. So grow up and let us have our fun.
2. Governing Body- they are effected because they have to deal with all the cry babies that complain about us. Goes back to the fact of people needing to grow up. If they would just go to the game and watch it rather then worrying about what we are doing or saying there would be no problem. Also it would help if they would enforce more of the rule about non-students sitting in the student section. Normally, those are the people that complain the most.
3. Students/Athletes- Students come to the games to support the teams and have fun. Just so happens that heckling the other team is the most fun. But when we constantly being told to stop or people complain or cant say something as simple as 'you suck', why would we show up. What is the fun of sitting there nothing. We will just sit there and watch when we are older and no longer in the student section. Effects the athletes too because on numerous occasions people come up to us and ask why don't we do this anymore or that well because of all the babies complain were not allowed too. A lot of the athletes feed off of the fans when there in the game making it fun.
2. Governing Body- they are effected because they have to deal with all the cry babies that complain about us. Goes back to the fact of people needing to grow up. If they would just go to the game and watch it rather then worrying about what we are doing or saying there would be no problem. Also it would help if they would enforce more of the rule about non-students sitting in the student section. Normally, those are the people that complain the most.
3. Students/Athletes- Students come to the games to support the teams and have fun. Just so happens that heckling the other team is the most fun. But when we constantly being told to stop or people complain or cant say something as simple as 'you suck', why would we show up. What is the fun of sitting there nothing. We will just sit there and watch when we are older and no longer in the student section. Effects the athletes too because on numerous occasions people come up to us and ask why don't we do this anymore or that well because of all the babies complain were not allowed too. A lot of the athletes feed off of the fans when there in the game making it fun.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Paper Topics
1. Sporting Events. People in this town are way to sympathetic for the other teams. It is college sporting events people, other teams are going to get raged on pretty bad. Specially when you have the baseball players at that event.
2. Signing in for the dorms. You can just be coming by to pick up some homework and they will make you sign in and sign out for the dumb dorms. They don't really care if you sign in or not they are just trying to be annoying.
3. Better Food. You know the food is not that great when a majority of people continuously go to the hamburger line. Because the lady who makes sandwich's takes for ever and the line is long or the other food is just down right nasty. Can def. make some improvements there.
2. Signing in for the dorms. You can just be coming by to pick up some homework and they will make you sign in and sign out for the dumb dorms. They don't really care if you sign in or not they are just trying to be annoying.
3. Better Food. You know the food is not that great when a majority of people continuously go to the hamburger line. Because the lady who makes sandwich's takes for ever and the line is long or the other food is just down right nasty. Can def. make some improvements there.
Friday, November 20, 2009

Well prepared turkeys are a huge tradition on thanksgiving. The all day process of stuffing it, then pouring the jucies all over it while in the oven and then finally getting to enjoy it at the end. Which leads us to the next picture of pilgrims. They are the ones that founded thanksgiving along with the turkey tradition. Just as it is shown in the picture above as he returns home with his gun in hand and turkey over his shoulder being ready to be cooked.

As we connect the next set of dots the next picture is of a family eating a thanksgiving meal. They have all the different types of food from turkey to corn to yams, pretty much the works. But the main part of it all is that they are all together enjoying a meal with out a care in the world. But before every meal while the ladies are cooking most of the day there is always football on for the guys. Football and thanksgiving go hand in hand, because it allows guys to sit around all day cook food and watch football and not have to worry about be bothered by the ladies while they have there girl time.
Then finally that brings us to the Thanksgiving Day Parade. In which there are numerous balloon parades now that occur that can be watched on multiple tv stations. When I was younger I remember that i use to love these parades when i would watch them with my grandma. Now they are so boring, glad there is football as well on these days or we would be in trouble.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
turkey day/iraq
These guys are off in Iraq still trying to defend our country and still celebrate the day of thanksgiving. Here we are safe in our homes and get to relax all day with our families. There they get to sit down with there troops and eat but not for long, and that only if they do get to eat. Some of the troops don't even get to celebrate thanksgiving because they are still having to check for road side bombs or train and equip Iraqi soldiers.
The same is that some do still get to celebrate thanksgiving. They get to even watch live feeds of football even though there is comes on at 12 midnight. They also get all the similar foods such as: turkey, potatoes, yams, stuffing, and the works.
All the soldiers even with the situation they were in are still thankful. They are over there defending us and there families thankful that their families are safe. Thankful for that each day that themselves and the rest of their troops make through each day safe and alive till they can make it back home. Then thankful for the food and the time that they can celebrate thanksgiving.
From the article I did not read any concerns from anybody that was interviewed. They are happy that they are defending our freedom and fighting terrorism.
What stood out the most was that they still had a church service. Also that everyone built a wall with pictures of there loved ones back home, their friends there, and even ones lost to be remembered and give thanks to on that day.
Probably number one thing they would if they were back in the U.S. is want to be with all their family members. Just because that is probably the biggest tradition of Thanksgiving, is that all your family and friends get together and eat food and love each other.
The same is that some do still get to celebrate thanksgiving. They get to even watch live feeds of football even though there is comes on at 12 midnight. They also get all the similar foods such as: turkey, potatoes, yams, stuffing, and the works.
All the soldiers even with the situation they were in are still thankful. They are over there defending us and there families thankful that their families are safe. Thankful for that each day that themselves and the rest of their troops make through each day safe and alive till they can make it back home. Then thankful for the food and the time that they can celebrate thanksgiving.
From the article I did not read any concerns from anybody that was interviewed. They are happy that they are defending our freedom and fighting terrorism.
What stood out the most was that they still had a church service. Also that everyone built a wall with pictures of there loved ones back home, their friends there, and even ones lost to be remembered and give thanks to on that day.
Probably number one thing they would if they were back in the U.S. is want to be with all their family members. Just because that is probably the biggest tradition of Thanksgiving, is that all your family and friends get together and eat food and love each other.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Holiday memories
Well for me when it comes down to holidays we keep it very simple. Never do to much or to little keep the same each year. Pretty much every holiday we get new clothes or gift cards or something simple. Otherwise anything else out of the ordinary we have to buy on our own. But this is how it has been for my sister and I since i was like 5 years old. I mean we did get the occasional video game and that sort of thing but that stuff was not as big of deal for me.
So tough to say if very any huge/great holiday memories except for being with family. Normally for us that just one day out of all x-mas break. During all of break when I am home i normally live up in the mountains with friends in there cabins. Then the mother and sister come up for a weekend or so. But otherwise I'm up with friends and doing the craziest fun stuff that could possibly write a number 1 selling novel.
But i guess if i were to pick out one thing that i can absolutely remember that is actually funny. I was about 13 or so and my step dad got me this really nice high quality fly rod and reel. Then always talked about us going fly fishing and everything. Well for 4 years give or take goes by still has not taken me fishing. But three of my buddies are going fly fishing for a weekend up at his cabin so of course i take the pole that he gave me.
I get back and he is pissed. Complaining that since he gave it to me that he was supposed to be the first one that i use the new fly rod with. Then after a huge big ole fight he decider's to retake back the gift that he gave me. Just thought a funny story i would tell you bailey since i couldn't come up with anything else.
So tough to say if very any huge/great holiday memories except for being with family. Normally for us that just one day out of all x-mas break. During all of break when I am home i normally live up in the mountains with friends in there cabins. Then the mother and sister come up for a weekend or so. But otherwise I'm up with friends and doing the craziest fun stuff that could possibly write a number 1 selling novel.
But i guess if i were to pick out one thing that i can absolutely remember that is actually funny. I was about 13 or so and my step dad got me this really nice high quality fly rod and reel. Then always talked about us going fly fishing and everything. Well for 4 years give or take goes by still has not taken me fishing. But three of my buddies are going fly fishing for a weekend up at his cabin so of course i take the pole that he gave me.
I get back and he is pissed. Complaining that since he gave it to me that he was supposed to be the first one that i use the new fly rod with. Then after a huge big ole fight he decider's to retake back the gift that he gave me. Just thought a funny story i would tell you bailey since i couldn't come up with anything else.
Friday, September 11, 2009
A day that will never be forgotten, and written about in history books for years to come. On September 11, every single American citizen had some sort of chill running down there spine. From the first breaking news of the incident to the last news we heard no one spoke a word. We as Americans no longer felt invincible to the rest of the world or safe. For the first time in years we showed weakness.
At 8:46 a.m. , in New York City American Airlines flight 11 was crashed into the north tower of the World Trade Center. Shortly after the first Boeing 767 hit the north tower another Boeing 767 the United Airlines flight 175 was crashed into the south tower at approximately 9:03 a.m. . While NYC was not the only location of these planes crashing. Yet another American Airlines Flight 77 was crashed into the Pentagon 9:37 a.m. , and what do you know yet another United Airlines flight 93 was crashed landed in Shanksville, Pennsylvania at 10:03 a.m. .
While people all over America have their eyes stuck to the television screen and ears to the radios trying to figure out what all is causing this to happen. It turns out that there were about 19 men working in groups of 4-5 were hijacking our planes and carrying out suicide missions by crashing the planes into the hearts of Americans. Supposedly, then men who hijacked the planes were from a terrorist group called "Al-Qaeda". which was managed by Osama bin landen. A man that the FBI voted as the prime suspect as soon as these planes started to crash. Come to find out that these hijackers took basic flying lessons that way once in flight they could hijack the planes and crash them into their destinations. The hijackers using knifes and supposedly fake strap on bombs to do so.
If you were to ask me I would not be able to pick out just 5 people that were heroes when this incident occurred because there are many people who played heroic roles during this time. There were all the NYC firefighters who gave there lives running into the World Trade Towers to save lives as everyone else was running out. Along with all the NYC police officers who were outside and helping sort things. Then the few brave people on Flight 93 who actually stood up to the terrorist on the plane and attempted to at least try to save the lives of the people that were on that flight.
A day that will never be forgotten, and written about in history books for years to come. On September 11, every single American citizen had some sort of chill running down there spine. But today September 11, 8 years later we now stand tall. As plans are being put into motion for the rebuilding of ground 0. Also the new defensive procedures we have put into effect to help avoid this incident from happening again.
At 8:46 a.m. , in New York City American Airlines flight 11 was crashed into the north tower of the World Trade Center. Shortly after the first Boeing 767 hit the north tower another Boeing 767 the United Airlines flight 175 was crashed into the south tower at approximately 9:03 a.m. . While NYC was not the only location of these planes crashing. Yet another American Airlines Flight 77 was crashed into the Pentagon 9:37 a.m. , and what do you know yet another United Airlines flight 93 was crashed landed in Shanksville, Pennsylvania at 10:03 a.m. .
While people all over America have their eyes stuck to the television screen and ears to the radios trying to figure out what all is causing this to happen. It turns out that there were about 19 men working in groups of 4-5 were hijacking our planes and carrying out suicide missions by crashing the planes into the hearts of Americans. Supposedly, then men who hijacked the planes were from a terrorist group called "Al-Qaeda". which was managed by Osama bin landen. A man that the FBI voted as the prime suspect as soon as these planes started to crash. Come to find out that these hijackers took basic flying lessons that way once in flight they could hijack the planes and crash them into their destinations. The hijackers using knifes and supposedly fake strap on bombs to do so.
If you were to ask me I would not be able to pick out just 5 people that were heroes when this incident occurred because there are many people who played heroic roles during this time. There were all the NYC firefighters who gave there lives running into the World Trade Towers to save lives as everyone else was running out. Along with all the NYC police officers who were outside and helping sort things. Then the few brave people on Flight 93 who actually stood up to the terrorist on the plane and attempted to at least try to save the lives of the people that were on that flight.
A day that will never be forgotten, and written about in history books for years to come. On September 11, every single American citizen had some sort of chill running down there spine. But today September 11, 8 years later we now stand tall. As plans are being put into motion for the rebuilding of ground 0. Also the new defensive procedures we have put into effect to help avoid this incident from happening again.
Can't put my finger on it!
When it comes down to it there isn't just one dream that really stands out to me. I have two dreams that come to mind. The first is stupid dreams where you are trying to get away from someone or something and your running but feels like you are running in place. Then the second dream the reoccurs a lot for me is when you dream that you are falling off of a cliff forever and ever til you finally wake-up.
It always seems that in the dreams where you are trying to run away from something that you get nowhere. As if you were to be running on a treadmill. Or you were to be in a Halloween movie with Mike Myers chasing you. Even though he is not running and you are, he seems to always catch you. I hate to make this next statement but every time I am running away from something in my dream, that something is always a spider. I hate spiders and always seems that is what i am running away from.
Of course next is the classic dream of falling forever. This is a dream that used to occur to me a lot back in the day but not so often anymore. I think the only difference that I had with my dream of falling from other people is that once you hit the ground and wake up in your dream, I actually wake up on the ground next to my bed after falling out. Luckily, my bed is about a foot off the ground so that way it is not that far of a fall.
Really, it just makes me wonder why is it always these two dreams that reoccur for me? Do I keep having these dreams because that is what I continuously think about before I fall asleep? Which that is a sweet fact I happened to come across in high school psychology. Normally what you are thinking about right before you fall asleep you have a higher chance of having some sort of dream about it.
It always seems that in the dreams where you are trying to run away from something that you get nowhere. As if you were to be running on a treadmill. Or you were to be in a Halloween movie with Mike Myers chasing you. Even though he is not running and you are, he seems to always catch you. I hate to make this next statement but every time I am running away from something in my dream, that something is always a spider. I hate spiders and always seems that is what i am running away from.
Of course next is the classic dream of falling forever. This is a dream that used to occur to me a lot back in the day but not so often anymore. I think the only difference that I had with my dream of falling from other people is that once you hit the ground and wake up in your dream, I actually wake up on the ground next to my bed after falling out. Luckily, my bed is about a foot off the ground so that way it is not that far of a fall.
Really, it just makes me wonder why is it always these two dreams that reoccur for me? Do I keep having these dreams because that is what I continuously think about before I fall asleep? Which that is a sweet fact I happened to come across in high school psychology. Normally what you are thinking about right before you fall asleep you have a higher chance of having some sort of dream about it.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
9/9/09 Will the World End?
Lots of controversies are going around on this very special day of 9/9/09. As of today it is one of the most popular search engines on the world wide web. Many people this that today is the day that the world will finally come to an end. But looks like there is only one chance left because the first thought was that it was going to end at 9a.m. today but looks like it didn't happen because I am still writing this blog even though there is 4 minutes til 9 I highly doubt it will end. But if it doesn't their next guess is at 9p.m. this evening. There is also a lot of talk going around dealing with movies that are coming out as well such as, "9". A movie dealing with such things as the worlds end.
But if you were talk to scientist they feel that people should just ignore such numerical theories of worlds end which I very much agree with because it just sounds retarded basing worlds end off numbers.
But if you were talk to scientist they feel that people should just ignore such numerical theories of worlds end which I very much agree with because it just sounds retarded basing worlds end off numbers.
Re: Greatness
In the essay "He Turns Boys into Men", Ehrmann makes his life goal of helping the male youth of this generation grow up into the correct type of men. Ehrmann is a 55 year old man that is in his retired years after 13 seasons of professional football with the Baltimore Colts. He spends his time now coaching a football team out of Gilman High School in Baltimore. Besides his coaching job Ehrmann also is a inner-city minister and not to mention even a founder of a community center.
His main goals though are to break down the standards of the pressure that society puts on males today with: athletic ability, sexual conquest and economic success. Ehrmann referes to these as the 3 false masculinties of males. He feels that all we do as males is compete to be the best and Ehrmann feels that all this competeing does is makes us feel isolated and alone if we are not at the top. He ties that into football by playing every senior in every game. Their main goal is to make a difference in these young adults lives to where they will have a better out look on life. Ehrmann makes sure too that the players do these tasks, even if it is as simple as making sure that no one sits by them selves at lunch too one day possibly playing a big role in other peoples lives such as Ehrmann is doing for these kids.
Ehrmann states, "At the end of our life, we ought to be able to look back over it from our deathbed and know that somehow the world is a better place because we lived, we loved we were other-centered, other-focused." To me that just screams greatness!
His main goals though are to break down the standards of the pressure that society puts on males today with: athletic ability, sexual conquest and economic success. Ehrmann referes to these as the 3 false masculinties of males. He feels that all we do as males is compete to be the best and Ehrmann feels that all this competeing does is makes us feel isolated and alone if we are not at the top. He ties that into football by playing every senior in every game. Their main goal is to make a difference in these young adults lives to where they will have a better out look on life. Ehrmann makes sure too that the players do these tasks, even if it is as simple as making sure that no one sits by them selves at lunch too one day possibly playing a big role in other peoples lives such as Ehrmann is doing for these kids.
Ehrmann states, "At the end of our life, we ought to be able to look back over it from our deathbed and know that somehow the world is a better place because we lived, we loved we were other-centered, other-focused." To me that just screams greatness!
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
It takes one word to describe Coach Ehrmann, Greatness. This is a man who gets all he wants out of life by teaching what he calls the correct way of becoming a man to the youth. Ehrmann methods are very simple, the main question he asks is at the end of your life are you going to be able to look back and say it was a life worth living? This question that he teaches and lives by is the center of everything. Ehrmann was a pro football player turned inner-city minister who also founded a community center. Oh! not to mention also coaches high school football. But his main purpose was to teach these high school kids he was coaching was to help these boys grow up to be real men. In today society he feels that it starts out with us kids trying to hard to compete and be better then the person next to us. To Ehrmann that is not a man. Then as you get older it becomes who has the hottest lady at their side or who has the hotter set of wheels. Still to Ehrmann that does not declare a man. That is what he feels our generation has sunk into making people think it what you have that makes you a man rather then what you do in life.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Farve Dirty Play?
In a preseason game on August 31 between the Vikings and the Texans Brett Farve made an illegal block. With this happening commentators and journalist are having a field day calling Farve a, "Dirty player", "the little girl Esther from 'The Orphan'". Before they start ridiculing Farve they should take a second and look back on his career of never being a dirty player from what I can remember. Also the fact that the man is practically reaching the age of having to use a walker, all we was trying to do was make a block. Sure he might have gone a bit low but lineman get called for that penalty alot too, why we not giving them the same crap?
Friday, August 28, 2009
LIfes to short hijack NAKED
There are robberies going on every day Thur out the country. But just yesterday a man from Atlanta, Georgia felt life is to short so he hijacked a school bus naked! I mean you either have to be pretty messed up in the head or cracked out of your mind to feel it necessary to hijack a bus full of teenage kids naked. Not to mention the idiot left the steering wheel of the bus while driving! what a dusch!
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