Friday, September 11, 2009


A day that will never be forgotten, and written about in history books for years to come. On September 11, every single American citizen had some sort of chill running down there spine. From the first breaking news of the incident to the last news we heard no one spoke a word. We as Americans no longer felt invincible to the rest of the world or safe. For the first time in years we showed weakness.

At 8:46 a.m. , in New York City American Airlines flight 11 was crashed into the north tower of the World Trade Center. Shortly after the first Boeing 767 hit the north tower another Boeing 767 the United Airlines flight 175 was crashed into the south tower at approximately 9:03 a.m. . While NYC was not the only location of these planes crashing. Yet another American Airlines Flight 77 was crashed into the Pentagon 9:37 a.m. , and what do you know yet another United Airlines flight 93 was crashed landed in Shanksville, Pennsylvania at 10:03 a.m. .

While people all over America have their eyes stuck to the television screen and ears to the radios trying to figure out what all is causing this to happen. It turns out that there were about 19 men working in groups of 4-5 were hijacking our planes and carrying out suicide missions by crashing the planes into the hearts of Americans. Supposedly, then men who hijacked the planes were from a terrorist group called "Al-Qaeda". which was managed by Osama bin landen. A man that the FBI voted as the prime suspect as soon as these planes started to crash. Come to find out that these hijackers took basic flying lessons that way once in flight they could hijack the planes and crash them into their destinations. The hijackers using knifes and supposedly fake strap on bombs to do so.

If you were to ask me I would not be able to pick out just 5 people that were heroes when this incident occurred because there are many people who played heroic roles during this time. There were all the NYC firefighters who gave there lives running into the World Trade Towers to save lives as everyone else was running out. Along with all the NYC police officers who were outside and helping sort things. Then the few brave people on Flight 93 who actually stood up to the terrorist on the plane and attempted to at least try to save the lives of the people that were on that flight.

A day that will never be forgotten, and written about in history books for years to come. On September 11, every single American citizen had some sort of chill running down there spine. But today September 11, 8 years later we now stand tall. As plans are being put into motion for the rebuilding of ground 0. Also the new defensive procedures we have put into effect to help avoid this incident from happening again.

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