Wednesday, December 2, 2009

3 groups

1. City of Sterling- it effects them because as a student body (mainly the baseball team) we like to rag pretty harshly on the other teams that come to play in the event center. The people need to realize that this is not high school anymore and that this is not the only place that this happens. A lot of the people here I would bet one million dollars don't travel to watch our sporting events play. So they don't get to see or hear how bad our teams get treated when they are on the road. What we do is all in good fun. So grow up and let us have our fun.

2. Governing Body- they are effected because they have to deal with all the cry babies that complain about us. Goes back to the fact of people needing to grow up. If they would just go to the game and watch it rather then worrying about what we are doing or saying there would be no problem. Also it would help if they would enforce more of the rule about non-students sitting in the student section. Normally, those are the people that complain the most.

3. Students/Athletes- Students come to the games to support the teams and have fun. Just so happens that heckling the other team is the most fun. But when we constantly being told to stop or people complain or cant say something as simple as 'you suck', why would we show up. What is the fun of sitting there nothing. We will just sit there and watch when we are older and no longer in the student section. Effects the athletes too because on numerous occasions people come up to us and ask why don't we do this anymore or that well because of all the babies complain were not allowed too. A lot of the athletes feed off of the fans when there in the game making it fun.

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